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the THREE Phases of Awakening
online course

The Three Phases of Spiritual Awakening 
Navigating your journey to higher consciousness

Awakening is not a single moment of enlightenment; it is a profound and often challenging journey that unfolds in stages.


These stages, or phases, are universal experiences that many spiritual seekers encounter as they move towards higher consciousness.


Whether you’re just beginning to explore the concept of spiritual awakening or you’re deep in the midst of it, understanding these phases can provide clarity, guidance, and reassurance.


While each person’s journey is deeply personal, recognizing these phases can help you navigate the path ahead with greater awareness.


Take the free introduction to the Three Phases of Awakening course. Get a taste of the journey ahead, exploring the path of spiritual awakening and the three phases. We’ll touch on key concepts and insights to help you begin understanding the awakening process and the transformation it brings.
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The Three Phases of Awakening

Spiritual awakening is a profound journey of self-discovery, in which we awaken from the limited dream of who we are: we are raising our level of consciousness from our limited ego-self, to our limitless higher-self.

On my own journey of awakening I found the language of the Tarot archetypes offered a meaningful way to convey the complexities of awakening in a way that is both personal and universal.


To articulate my own journey, I turned to The Tower, The Hermit and The Fool in the Tarot .


These Tarot archetypes serve as valuable signposts along the path of awakening, offering guidance and illumination to navigate the twists and turns of the spiritual journey.

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The Three Phases of Awakening: Online Course

A Companion Guide on your Awakening Journey

Spiritual awakening can be a complex and challenging journey, but with the right understanding and guidance, you can navigate these phases with greater clarity and peace.


This course serves as your guide through this profound journey. It offers a structured yet flexible approach to understanding the key phases of awakening, providing you with universal spiritual insights and practical guidance.


While each person's experience is unique, this guide is designed to help you navigate the common challenges and themes of awakening with clarity and support.


Think of it as a trusted companion—there to offer wisdom, reassurance, and guidance as you move through each phase of your journey.

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Overview of the Phases

1. Dissolution (The Tower):
The journey begins with dissolution—the breakdown of the external life that the ego has unconsciously built.


This phase often comes with sudden, life-altering events, such as crises or a kundalini awakening, that shake the very foundation of who you think you are. The old structures must crumble to make way for something new.


2. Introspection (The Hermit):
After dissolution, you enter the introspective phase, often referred to as the dark night of the soul.


This is a time of deep inner work, where you withdraw from the external world to heal wounds, dissolve the ego, and connect with your higher consciousness. It’s a challenging but necessary phase where true growth occurs.


3. Integration (The Fool):
In the final phase, you return to the external world, not as the person you were, but as someone who is beginning to embody higher levels of consciousness.


Integration is about applying the wisdom gained during introspection to your everyday life, continuously evolving and growing as you align more closely with your true self.

My Journey Through Awakening

My own experience of spiritual awakening was marked by a long and challenging Hermit phase, where I was called to deeply examine my life, heal old wounds, and connect with my higher self.


The framework I share in this course is informed by my personal journey and the wisdom I’ve gained along the way.


While I don’t offer solutions to every challenge, I provide the insights and understanding that can help you navigate your own path with greater ease.

Discover the Wisdom Within Your Awakening

Your spiritual awakening is a deeply personal journey that can lead to profound growth, greater wisdom, and a life more aligned with your soul’s true essence.


Understanding the phases of this journey and the challenges they bring can help you feel more grounded and empowered as you move forward.


I invite you to explore these phases in depth through this course and discover the birth of new consciousness that lies within your awakening.

DALL·E 2024-08-09 11.41.49 - A portrait representing the three phases of spiritual awakeni

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Awakening is not a change

in the external world,

but a profound shift

in the way we perceive it.

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